Kindred Connections Collective
Queer Cheer 2024 Sign Up is Closed
Queer Cheer Sign up typically open mid-November to early December, each year. Please check back next year. Additionally, we aim to provide Summer Care Packs each year. Sign Up for Summer Care typically opens mid mid May to early June each year.
If you’re interested in receiving future care pack offerings and/or want to connect with us and learn more about other programming and services, please give us a follow on IG @kindredconnectionstuc.
In community, care, and solidarity,
KCC Crew

Hello Incredible Kin,
We’re so honored to be able to do Queer Cheer (QC) for a 3rd year! Queer Cheer offerings are a love letter and hug to QTBIPOC community (folks who identify as Queer and/ or Trans and BIPOC) who live in so-called Tucson.
2024 Queer Cheer is made possible through community donations and support from the Trans Justice Funding Project and the Community Food Bank of Southern AZ for the food workshop.
Some things we’re working toward this year & beyond:
+ Making QC full, bright, equitable, & accessible
+ Reducing the number of food & supplies that are purchased but don’t get distributed
+ Being good stewards of community care & monies
+ Ensuring the sustainability of QC
+ Maximizing KCC Crew capacity
So, what does that mean for you, us, our community???
(See more below)

1. Free Community Meal & Foodways Workshop
We’re adding a free QTBIPOC holiday meal with foodways workshop.
The location will likely be in South Tucson. We’ll email you the location 1 week or so before.
The Community Meal and Workshop will take place on Sunday, 12/15/24 from 4:30 – 7:30p.

2. Winter Care Packs (Wellness Kit &/or Food Box)
If you sign up for a Wellness Kit and/or Food Box, we will send you an email requesting that you confirm:
+ you still want your selections AND
+ someone will pick up on the designated date & time (if pickup selected)
+ your delivery instructions (if delivery selected)
Foods & supplies will then be purchased to fill confirmed requests.
Delivery is available on Saturday, 12/14/24 for folks experiencing transportation and/or health challenges.
Pick up will be available on Sunday, 12/15/24 during teh Community Meal. You do not have to attend the Community Meal to pick up.

3. Mini-Grant
Funds will be distributed electronically via Cash App, Zelle, or PayPal.
An equal amount is distributed to each person who signs up. We aim to distribute at least $50 per person. The actual mount is dependent on available care funds.
Funds will be distributed Sunday, 12/15/24.

When have stronger estimates of what will be distributed:
We have stronger estimates of what will be distributed, we can better plan spending, which allows us to more proactively:
+ identify if supplies in to confirmed wellness packs & food boxes can be increased
+ move folks from waitlist to the distro list
+ bridge other gaps
+ increase mini-grant $$ or & distribute more
+ explore the possibilities

Queer Cheer Estimated Timeline
Wednesday, 11/13: Queer Cheer Sign-up Opens -There is one form for all things QC (includes Meal & Workshop RSVP, Winter Care Pack- Wellness Kit and/or Food Box, & Mini-Grant sign up!)
Wednesday, 11/27: Queer Cheer Sign-up Closes
Wednesday, 12/04: Confirmation Due
Saturday, 12/14: Wellness Kit & Food Box Deliveries
Sunday, 12/15: Community Meal & Workshop + Winter Care Pack – Wellness Kit &/or Food Box Pick Up + Mini Grants (electronically deposited)
Wednesday, 01/15/25: QC Feedback Survey Opens